• [main] ERROR net.thucydides.core.steps.StepEventBus – No base step listener registered – this is generally a bad sign.

    [main] ERROR net.thucydides.core.steps.StepEventBus – No base step listener registered – this is generally a bad sign. This error occurs when you are trying to run Cucumber .feature from IntelliJ. It is a easy fix though.

  • Excel Writer in Java

    Learn to write an Excel Writer in Java for custom reporting of your Test Automation Results or for providing data to your test cases

  • Data driven cucumber tests

    Hi Guys, Take a look at this .feature file. Feature: Verify successful user login As a valid user I go to website and Login   Scenario: Login by entering username and password Given I am on website Then I enter username with emp code Then I enter password When I hit enter Then I successfully…

  • Java Excel Reader

    We know that there are different types of Automation Testing frameworks Modular, Keyword Driven, Data Driven, and Hybrid. Among all these frameworks one thing which is common that all need an Excel Reader to read the data from an external excel sheet.

  • Grub rescue error in Dual Boot machine

    I messed up the GRUB on Ubuntu and start getting “grub rescue” error. Not able to boot any of these OS on my dual boot Laptop. See, how I recovered it?

  • Create a clean Pull Request in Git (Step by Step) )

    Create a clean pull request in Git in a new folder/directory. This tutorial is going to help you in setting up a new project in your laptop and also creating a PR of your work.

  • [main] ERROR net.thucydides.core.steps.StepEventBus – No base step listener registered – this is generally a bad sign.

    [main] ERROR net.thucydides.core.steps.StepEventBus – No base step listener registered – this is generally a bad sign. This error occurs when you are trying to run Cucumber .feature from IntelliJ. It is a easy fix though.

  • Excel Writer in Java

    Learn to write an Excel Writer in Java for custom reporting of your Test Automation Results or for providing data to your test cases

  • Data driven cucumber tests

    Hi Guys, Take a look at this .feature file. Feature: Verify successful user login As a valid user I go to website and Login   Scenario: Login by entering username and password Given I am on website Then I enter username with emp code Then I enter password When I hit enter Then I successfully…

  • Java Excel Reader

    We know that there are different types of Automation Testing frameworks Modular, Keyword Driven, Data Driven, and Hybrid. Among all these frameworks one thing which is common that all need an Excel Reader to read the data from an external excel sheet.

  • Grub rescue error in Dual Boot machine

    I messed up the GRUB on Ubuntu and start getting “grub rescue” error. Not able to boot any of these OS on my dual boot Laptop. See, how I recovered it?

  • Create a clean Pull Request in Git (Step by Step) )

    Create a clean pull request in Git in a new folder/directory. This tutorial is going to help you in setting up a new project in your laptop and also creating a PR of your work.